I´ve got a place to stay in Seattle! Finally! It´s in Green Lake, a neighborhood in north central Seattle. About 20 min walk to the university and not too far from Ballard (where all the Norwegians live). It´s a collective with 6 other students, mostly international students. A Italian girl and a boy from India is already living there, the others I don´t know. The rent isn´t to bad either. $540 thats what I pay in Trondheim as well, not to bad.
I know it´s not to smart to out your address on the Internet but I just have to show how great it is.
The house is just by the lake, and there is a Starbucks just around the corner. yay! The University is a little bit south, and Ballard east (thanks to Google Earth).
Så spennende! Fint med plass å bo fast å ikke leve på hotel, av en eller annen grunn blir hotellrom så rotetet alltid. Det er vel ikke så lenge til du reiser nå heller :)