OK, so I realize I've been a bit negative lately. But really I'm fine. Once I get up from my bed and starts the day, things aren't all that bad. I finally got my American bank account, and a bus pass. I took the buss to Ballard, but it got really late so I just took another buss back right away.. I still haven't heard from my Norwegian phone company, so it looks like I have to by a new phone so that I can start using my new phone number. Thats not a problem, I didn't like my old phone anyway.. And, maybe the best thing; I'm starting to think in English as well.
My plan for to morrow is just to hang around in the neighborhood. Decide what room I'm going to stay in, and unpack. I think that would help a bit. Making my new room my home.
Funny thing: I went to a book shop to day, they always make me feel better, and I actually found books by my favorite author Jo Nesbø! They even had my favorite book as well; Redbreast (Rødstrupe). Next time I'm going to buy it, just so that I can read it in English as well.
So.. even though I'm still a bit homesick, I do enjoy myself, and I'm starting to enjoy my own company more and more.
Koselig blogg Runa. Jeg liker at vennene mine blogger så jeg har noe å gjøre når jeg ikke kurerer kreft og sånn..
SvarSlettSå kjekt at du har blogg! Blir spennende å se hva du finner ut etter hvert:)
SvarSlettVirker som du begynner å finne deg til rette - bare ikke få det FOR godt; vi vil ha deg hjem igjen:)
Nei, no vart eg glad. Tenk kor heldig du er som kan vere eit halvt år i Seattle, og det er berre du som bestemmer kva du skal gjere og korleis.
SvarSlettHusk berre å vere strukturert på oppgåvene dine.
hahaha redbreast!! Festlig..
SvarSlettHihi! ja, æ skal dra ned å kjøpe den i mårra, bare for å kunne lese den på engelsk åsså :)